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  • Ruben, Mariela; Molinas, María Sol; Paladini, Hugo; Khalife, Wissam; Barbagelata, Alejandro; Perrone, Sergio Víctor; Kaplinsky, Edgardo (Bioexcel Publishing Ltd, 2023-01-04)
    Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) plays a strategic role in the diagnostic and therapeutic evaluation of critically ill patients and, especially, in those who are haemodynamically unstable. In this context, POCUS allows a ...
  • Báez Cabanillas, María Victoria; Colque, Roberto; Tibaldi, Miguel Ángel; Kaplinsky, Edgardo; Perrone, Sergio Víctor; Barbagelata, Alejandro (Bioexcel Publishing, 2023-01-04)
    Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy is an entity characterized by reversible dysfunction of the left ventricle, which can be induced by different types of arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, incessant ...
  • Kaplinsky, Edgardo; Perrone, Sergio Víctor; Barbagelata, Alejandro (Bioexcel Publishing, 2023-01-04)
    The nitric oxide (NO)-soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway is dysregulated in patients with heart failure (HF) resulting in myocardial and vascular dysfunction that contributes to ...
  • Carnero Contentti, Edgar; Marrodán, Mariano; Correale, Jorge (Taylor & Francis, 2021-04-16)
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  • Matas-García, Ana; Milisenda, José C.; Selva O'Callaghan, Albert; Prieto-González, Sergio; Padrosa, Joan; Cabrera, Carlos; Reguart, Noemi; Castrejón, Natalia; Solé, Manel; Ros, Javier; Trallero-Araguas, Ernesto; Antoniol, María Noelia; Vila-Pijoan, Gemma; Grau, Josep María (Elsevier, 2020-02)
    Background and objective: Drug-induced myopathy is among the most common causes of muscle disease. An association has recently been described between programmed death-1 (PD-1)/PD-1 ligand (PD-L1) inhibitors and immune-related ...
  • Anker, Stefan D.; Butler, Javed; Gerasimos, Filippatos; Ferreira, João Pedro; Bocchi, Edimar; Böhm, Michael; Brunner-La Rocca, Hans Pieter; Choi, Dong-Ju; Chopra, Vijay; Chuquiure-Valenzuela, Eduardo; Giannetti, Nadia; Gomez-Mesa, Juan Esteban; Janssens, Stefan; Januzzi, James L.; Gonzalez-Juanatey, Jose R.; Merkely, Bela; Nicholls, Stephen J.; Perrone, Sergio Víctor; Piña, Ileana L.; EMPEROR-Preserved Trial Investigators (Massachusetts Medical Society, 2021-08-27)
    Background: Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors reduce the risk of hospitalization for heart failure in patients with heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction, but their effects in patients with heart failure ...
  • Falcone, Guido; Leiguarda, Ramón; Nogués, Martín; Cammarota, Ángel Norberto (Fleni, 2007)
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  • Brand, Patricio; Schottlaender, Lucía V.; Gaitán, María Inés; Arias Cebollada, Eugenia; Fiol, Marcela Paula; Mora, Andrea; del Castillo, Marcelo Ernesto (Fleni, 2008-11-28)
    El Virus Herpes Humano tipo 6 (HHV-6) es un virus ubicuo que infecta a un alto porcentaje de los niños dentro de los primeros años de vida. Las manifestaciones van desde un cuadro febril inespecífi co hasta el clásico ...
  • Taratuto, Ana Lía (Fleni, 1997)
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  • Tao, Pengyou; Perrone, Sofía; Demarchi, Gianina; Chimento, Agustina; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo; Sevlever, Gustavo Emilio; Berner, Silvia Inés; Becu-Villalobos, Damasia; Basso, Armando; Ge, Chen; Ling, Feng; Zhang, Qiuhang; Cristina, Carolina (Research Square, 2021-01-20)
    Background: Pituitary adenomas can become invasive and aggressive, and in turn produce tumor recurrence. Endocan or endothelial cell specific molecule-1 (ESM1) has been associated with angiogenesis and tumor growth in ...
  • Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Caffaratti, Guido; Ries Centeno, Tomás; Ruella, Mauro; Villamil, Facundo; Marengo, Ricardo; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo (American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2021-10-01)
    Surgical management of vestibular schwannomas has improved over the last 30 years. Whereas in the past the primary goal was to preserve the patient's life, today neurological function safeguarding is the main objective, ...
  • Pérez L. Barreto, María (Fleni, 1999)
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  • Merello, Marcelo (Fleni, 2010-02-16)
    Actualmente en la mayoría de los países europeos así como en EEUU, los pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson tienen la obligación de declarar la enfermedad a las autoridades que otorgan el registro de conductor así como ...
  • Calandri, Ismael Luis; Crivelli, Lucía; Martin, María Eugenia; Egido, Noelia; Magrath Guimet, Nahuel (Associação Neurologia Cognitiva e do Comportamento, 2020-12-14)
    Normal aging usually brings age-related cognitive decline. However, there is a group of aged individuals who have exceptional memory performance: the superagers. Objective: Our aim was to identify the environmental ...
  • Bartuluchi, Marcelo; Liñares, Juan; Ruiz Johnson, Agustín; Mantese, Beatriz; Lubieniecki, Fabiana; Stefanoff, Nadia Ivanna; Reyes, Gabriela; Caraballo, Roberto (Asociación Argentina de Neurocirugía, 2020-05)
    El origen subcortical de la epilepsia ha sido tema de profundo debate durante muchísimo tiempo y solo se le otorgaba a las estructural subcorticales un rol en la distribución, modulación y alteración de la actividad cortical. ...
  • Rabinowicz, Adrián L.; Estelles, Stella; Nesci, Esteban; Pomata, Hugo (Fleni, 1997)
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  • Zorgno, Ivanna; Blanc, María Cecilia; Oxenford, Simon; Gil Garbagnoli, Francisco; D’Giano, Carlos; Quintero Rincón, Antonio (IEEE, 2019-02-21)
    Epilepsy is a disease caused by an excessive discharge of a group of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Extracting this information using EEG signals is an ongoing challenge in biomedical signal processing. In this paper, a ...
  • Coelho, Teresa; Marques, Wilson; Dasgupta, Noel R.; Chao, Chi-Chao; Parman, Yesim; Cavalcante França Jr, Marcondes; Guo, Yuh-Cherng; Wixner, Jonas; Ro, Long-Sun; Calandra, Cristian R.; Kowacs, Pedro A.; Berk, John L.; Obici, Laura; Barroso, Fabio Adrián; Weiler, Markus; Conceição, Isabel; Jung, Shiangtung W.; Buchele, Gustavo; Brambatti, Michela; NEURO-TTRansform Investigators (American Medical Association, 2023-09-28)
    Importance: Transthyretin gene silencing is an emerging treatment strategy for hereditary transthyretin (ATTRv) amyloidosis. Objective: To evaluate eplontersen, an investigational ligand-conjugated antisense oligonucleotide, ...
  • Van Gelderen, Christian (Fleni, 2008-01-01)
    Desde 1999 el Instituto de Medicina de EEUU empieza a generar conciencia, entre los médicos, sobre el error humano, el cual como es natural, no escapa a esta actividad profesional. Los pri- meros informes concluyen ...
  • Álvarez González, M.; Rodríguez Sanz, F.; Mendoza Rodríguez, A.; Fisac Herrero, R.; Duarte García-Luis, J. (Fleni, 2010-08-26)
    La hemorragia intracraneal es la complicación más grave secundaria al tratamiento anticoagulan- te y/o antiagregante. Objetivo: determinar la inci- dencia, los factores de riesgo, y el pronóstico de la HIC en la ...