Auflistung nach Autor "Kee Hoo, Fan"

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  • Giussani, Giorgia; Westenberg, Érica; García-Azorín, David; Bianchi, Elisa; Yusof Khan, Abdul Hanif Khan; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Atalar, Arife Çimen; Baykan, Betül; Crivelli, Lucía; Fornari, Arianna; Frontera, Jennifer; Guekht, Alla; Helbok, Raimund; Kee Hoo, Fan; Kivipelto, Miia; Leonardi, Matilde; López Rocha, Ana Sabsil; Mangialasche, Francesca; Marcassoli, Alessia; Global COVID-19 Neuro Research Coalition (Karger, 2024-01-25)
    Introduction: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the prevalence of thirteen neurological manifestations in people affected by COVID-19 during the acute phase and at 3, 6, 9 and 12-month ...

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