DSpace Repositorium (Manakin basiert)

Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Factores de Riesgo"

Auflistung Nach Schlagwort "Factores de Riesgo"

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  • Aschenbrenner, Andrew J.; James, Bryan D.; McDade, Eric; Wang, Guoqiao; Lim, Yen Ying; Benzinger, Tammie L.S.; Cruchaga, Carlos; Goate, Alison M.; Xiong, Chengjie; Perrin, Richard J.; Buckles, Virginia; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Berman, Sarah B.; Chhatwal, Jasmeer P.; Fagan, Anne M.; Farlow, Martin R.; O’Connor, Antoinette; Ghetti, Bernardino; Graff-Radford, Neill R.; Goldman, Jill; Gräber, Susanne; Karch, Celeste M.; Lee, Jae-Hong; Levin, Johannes; Martins, Ralph N.; Masters, Colin L.; Mori, Hiroshi; Noble, James M.; Salloway, Stephen; Schofield, Peter R.; Morris, John C.; Bateman, Randall J.; Hassenstab, Jason; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (Wiley, 2020-06)
    Introduction: Although some members of families with autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease mutations learn their mutation status, most do not. How knowledge of mutation status affects clinical disease progression is ...
  • Rosales, Julieta Soledad; Alet, Matías Javier; Pujol Lereis, Virginia Andrea; Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco (Saunders, 2020-12)
    Objective: To determine the proportion of subtypes of ischemic strokes, vascular risk factors and treatment prior to stroke between 1997 and 2018 in a single institution in Argentina. Methods: Demographics, risk factors, ...
  • Yasuda, Marcos Ezequiel; Renedo, Daniela; Recalde, Rodolfo José; Zaninovich, Roberto Steven; González Abbati, Santiago; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo; Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Villalonga, Juan Francisco; Ulloque Caamaño, Liezel; Reddy, Kesava; Socolovsky, Mariano; Campero, Álvaro (Elsevier, 2024-05)
    No abstract available.
  • Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco; Amarenco, Pierre; Pearce, Lesly A.; Perera, Kanjana S.; Ntaios, George; Lang, Wilfried; Bereczki, Daniel; Uchiyama, Shinichiro; Kasner, Scott E.; Yoon, Byung-Woo; Lavados, Pablo M.; Firstenfeld, Alfredo; Mikulik, Robert; Povedano, Guillermo Pablo; Ferrari, Jorge; Mundl, Hardi; Berkowitz, Scott D.; Connolly, Stuart J.; Hart, Robert G. (Elsevier, 2020-08)
    Background: Non-stenotic intracranial and systemic atherosclerosis are associated with ischemic stroke. We report frequency and response to anticoagulant vs. antiplatelet prophylaxis of patients with embolic stroke of ...
  • Fox, Sarah; León, Tomás; Mariano, Luciano; Arshad, Faheem; Magrath Guimet, Nahuel; Hope, Grainne; Tituaña, Kuripacha; Zapata Restrepo, Lina María (Frontiers Media SA, 2023-10-16)
    While age-specific dementia prevalence is falling in many countries, several recent reviews estimate prevalence in Latin America to be higher than anywhere else in the world. This may be, in part, due to the high incidence ...
  • Hart, Robert G.; Veltkamp, Roland C.; Sheridan, Patrick; Sharma, Mukul; Kasner, Scott E.; Bangdiwala, Shrikant I.; Ntaios, George; Shoamanesh, Ashkan; Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco; Toni, Danilo; Czlonkowska, Anna; Lindgren, Arne; Hankey, Graeme J.; Perera, Kanjana S.; Shuaib, Ashfaq; Coutts, Shelagh B.; Gagliardi, Rubens J.; Berkowitz, Scott D.; Mundl, Hardi; NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators (Elsevier, 2019-05-31)
    Background: Embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) identifies patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke presumed due to embolism from several unidentified sources. Among patients with recent ESUS, we sought to determine ...
  • Calandri, Ismael Luis; Livingston, Gill; Paradela, Regina; Ossenkoppele, Rik; Crivelli, Lucía; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Suemoto, Claudia K. (Karger, 2024-01-31)
    Introduction: Twelve modifiable risk factors (RFs) account for 40% of dementia cases worldwide. However, limited data exist on such factors in middle- and low-income countries. We aimed to estimate the population-attributable ...
  • Alonso de Leciñana, María; Mazya, Michael V.; Kostulas, Nikolaos; Del Brutto, Oscar H.; Abanto Argomedo, Carlos; Massaro, Ayrton R.; de Bastos, Mario; Martins, Sheila C.; Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco; Gongora Rivera, Fernando F.; Sacks, Claudio; Hoppe Wiegering, Arnold; Abad, Patricio; Meza Rojas, Gloria; Arauz-Gongora, Antonio; Wahlgren, Nils; Díez-Tejedor, Exuperio (AHA, 2019-08-06)
    Background and Purpose—Standardized registries may provide valuable data to further improve stroke care. Our aim was to obtain updated information about characteristics of stroke patients and management of stroke across ...
  • Kalaria, Raj; Maestre, Gladys; Mahinrad, Simin; Acosta, Daisy M.; Akinyemi, Rufus Olusola; Alladi, Suvarna; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Arshad, Faheem; Babalola, David Oluwasayo; Baiyewu, Olusegun; Bak, Thomas H.; Bellaj, Tarek; Brodie-Mends, David K.; Carrillo, Maria C.; Celestin, Kaputu-Kalala-Malu; Damasceno, Albertino; de Silva, Ranil Karunamuni; de Silva, Rohan; Djibuti, Mamuka; Dreyer, Anna Jane (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2024-05-02)
    Two of every three persons living with dementia reside in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The projected increase in global dementia rates is expected to affect LMICs disproportionately. However, the majority of ...

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