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Browsing by Author "O'Bryant, Sid E."

Browsing by Author "O'Bryant, Sid E."

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  • Wisch, Julie K.; McKay, Nicole S.; Boerwinkle, Anna H.; Kennedy, James; Flores, Shaney; Handen, Benjamin L.; Christian, Bradley T.; Head, Elizabeth; Mapstone, Mark; Rafii, Michael S.; O'Bryant, Sid E.; Price, Julie C.; Laymon, Charles M.; Krinsky-McHale, Sharon J.; Lai, Florence; Alzheimer's Biomarker Consortium-Down Syndrome; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Chrem Méndez, Patricio Alexis; Surace, Ezequiel Ignacio (Lancet Pub. Group, 2024-05)
    Background: In people with genetic forms of Alzheimer's disease, such as in Down syndrome and autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease, pathological changes specific to Alzheimer's disease (ie, accumulation of amyloid and ...

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