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Listar por autor "Tassorelli, Cristina"

Listar por autor "Tassorelli, Cristina"

Ordenar por:Orden:Resultados:

  • Viana, Michele; De Icco, Roberto; Allena, Marta; Sances, Grazia; Højland Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel J. A.; Fadic, Ricardo; Goicochea, María Teresa; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina (Wiley, 2019-10-03)
    BACKGROUND: The International Classification of Headache Disorders lists different subtypes of medication overuse headache (MOH), according to the medication overused. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the ...
  • Jellestad, Pernille Linde; Ninett Carlsen, Louise; Westergaard, Maria Lurenda; Munksgaard, Signe Bruun; Bendtsen, Lars; Lainez, Miguel J. A.; Fadic, Ricardo; Katsarava, Zaza; Goicochea, María Teresa; Spadafora, Santiago; Højland Jensen, Rigmor; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina; COMOESTAS Consortium (Sage, 2018-07-08)
    Background: Medication-overuse headache is a costly disease for individuals and society. Objective: To estimate the impact of medication-overuse headache treatment on direct and indirect headache-related health care ...
  • Puledda, Francesca; Sacco, Simona; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Ashina, Messoud; Al-Khazali, Haidar M.; Ashina, Sait; Burstein, Rami; Liebler, Eric; Cipriani, Andrea; Chu, Min Kyung; Cocores, Alexandra; Dodd-Glover, Freda; Ekizoğlu, Esme; Garcìa Azorìn, David; Göbel, Carl; Goicochea, María Teresa; Hassan, Amr; Hirata, Koichi; Hoffmann, Jan; Jenkins, Bronwyn; Kamm, Katharina; Lee, Mi Ji; Ling, Yu-Hsiang; Lisicki, Marco; Martinelli, Daniele; Monteith, Teshamae S.; Ornello, Raffaele; Ozge, Aynur; Peres, Mario; Pozo Rosich, Patricia; Romanenko, Volodymyr; Schwedt, Todd J.; Souza, Marcio Nattan P.; Takizawa, Tsubasa; Terwindt, Gisela M.; Thuraiaiyah, Janu; Togha, Mansoureh; Vandenbussche, Nicolas; Wang, Shuu-Jiun; Yu, Shengyuan; Tassorelli, Cristina (Sage, 2024-08)
    Background: In an effort to improve migraine management around the world, the International Headache Society (IHS) has here developed a list of practical recommendations for the acute pharmacological treatment of migraine. ...
  • Bottiroli, Sara; Allena, Marta; Sances, Grazia; De Icco, Roberto; Avenali, Micol; Fadic, Ricardo; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel J. A.; Goicochea, María Teresa; Bendtsen, Lars; Højland Jensen, Rigmor; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina; COMOESTAS Consortium (Sage, 2018-06-27)
    Aim: To identify factors that may be predictors of the outcome of a detoxification treatment in medication-overuse headache. Methods: Consecutive patients entering a detoxification program in six centres in Europe and ...