Listar por tema "Neoplasias"

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  • Cantarella, Florencia; Mendoza Bertelli, Andrea; Girotti, Romina; Marino, Ana Clara; Brest, Esteban; Dibarbora, Delfina; Mahmoud, Yamil; Veigas, Florencia; Enrico, Diego Hernan; Tsou, Florencia; Lacava, Juan A.; Piazzoni, Luciano; Riso, Aldo Alejandro; Martinengo, Gastón L.; Rodriguez, Andrés; Beguelin, Zenon; Cerrato, Sebastián; Jerez, Ignacio; Salanova, Rubén (American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2024-05-29)
    Background: The analysis of somatic genomic alterations, evaluation of DNA mismatch repair (MMR) proteins, and examination of PD-L1 expression in tumor biopsies are crucial for prognosis and informed therapeutic decisions. ...
  • Olaf Witt, Sameer Farouk Sait; Diez, Blanca; Cardoso, Agustín; Reardon, David A.; Welsh, Liam; Shih, Kent C.; Baldini, Capucine; Massard, Christophe; Loriot, Yohann; Pant, Shubham; Sweiti, Hussein; Thomas, Shibu; Hammond, Constance; Najmi, Saltanat; Triantos, Spyros; Crow, Lauren; Geoerger, Birgit (American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2024-06)
    Background: Erdafitinib is an oral selective pan-fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved in the US for adult patients (pts) with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma with ...
  • Bartuluchi, Marcelo; Liñares, Juan; Ruiz Johnson, Agustín; Mantese, Beatriz; Lubieniecki, Fabiana; Stefanoff, Nadia Ivanna; Reyes, Gabriela; Caraballo, Roberto (Asociación Argentina de Neurocirugía, 2020-05)
    El origen subcortical de la epilepsia ha sido tema de profundo debate durante muchísimo tiempo y solo se le otorgaba a las estructural subcorticales un rol en la distribución, modulación y alteración de la actividad cortical. ...
  • Palma, María Belén; Tronik-Le Roux, Diana; Amín, Guadalupe; Castañeda, Sheila; Möbbs, Alan Miqueas; Scarafía, María Agustina; La Greca, Alejandro; Daouya, Marina; Poras, Isabelle; Inda, Ana María; Moro, Lucía Natalia; Carosella, Edgardo D.; García, Marcela Nilda; Miriuka, Santiago Gabriel (bioRxiv, 2021-01-22)
    Cancer immunotherapies based mainly on the blockade of immune-checkpoint (IC) molecules by anti-IC antibodies offer new alternatives for treatment in oncological diseases. However, a considerable proportion of patients ...
  • Carrea, Raúl; Torres Restrepo, Fernando (Instituto de Medicina Experimental, 1949)
    Van Wagenen fue el primero en utilizar la leucotomía o lobotomía prefrontal, en un enfermo no psicótico, para controlar el dolor de causa orgánica, en un caso de miembro fantasma doloroso. Aunque los antecedentes teóricos ...
  • Buffa, Geraldine Belén; Chaves, Hernán; Serra, María Mercedes; Stefanoff, Nadia Ivanna; Gagliardo Cadena, Allan Salvatore; Yáñez, Paulina (Masson, 2020-05-01)
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Multinodular and Vacuolating Neuronal Tumor of the cerebrum (MVNT) is a benign -seizure associated- lesion affecting mostly adults. This new entity has been included in the 2016 World Health ...
  • Uribe Roca, Claudia; Gonzalez, Fabio Maximiliano; Bala, Marta Inés; Saucedo, Miguel; Bandeo, Lucrecia; León Cejas, Luciana; Pacha, Sol; Bonardo, Pablo; Rugilo, Carlos; Dezanzo, Pablo; Torino, Rafael; Sevlever, Gustavo Emilio; Fernández Pardal, Manuel; Reisin, Ricardo C. (Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, 2021-06-17)
    Objective: Cerebral amyloid angiopathy-related inflammation (CAA-RI) is a rare and potentially treatable encephalopathy that usually affects people older than 50 years old and has an acute or subacute clinical presentation ...
  • Caffaratti, Guido; Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Marcó Del Pont, Francisco; Mormandi, Rubén; Condomí Alcorta, Santiago G.; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo (Editora Científica Nacional, 2021-01)
    Purpose: Surgery in and around the fourth ventricle is challenging not only because it has a central location in the Central Nervous System (CNS) but also because it lies in such close proximity to multiple vital structures. ...
  • Buffa, Geraldine Belén; Alessandro, Lucas; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo; Arakaki, Naomi; Yáñez, Paulina (Fleni, 2018)
    Los cambios post-convulsivos en secuencias de difusión (DWI) son el resultado de diferentes tipos de edema: edema vasogénico, que se debe a la disrupción de la barrera hematoencefálica (BHE) y edema citotóxico, causado ...