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Vertical Video-based Gait Analysis for Assessment of Transverse Plane Motion: Reliability and Validity in a Neuromuscular Population

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dc.contributor.author Olleac, Ramiro
dc.contributor.author Centeno, Bernardo
dc.contributor.author Duffy, Clara
dc.contributor.author Nuñez, Marcos
dc.contributor.author Marcos José, Crespo
dc.contributor.author Barrios, Lucas M.
dc.contributor.author Davids, Jon R.
dc.contributor.author Kulkarni, Vedant A.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-03-13T16:39:26Z
dc.date.available 2025-03-13T16:39:26Z
dc.date.issued 2025-02-14
dc.identifier.citation Olleac R, Centeno B, Duffy C, Nuñez M, Crespo M, Barrios LM, et al. Vertical Video-based Gait Analysis for Assessment of Transverse Plane Motion: Reliability and Validity in a Neuromuscular Population. J Pediatr Orthop. 14 de febrero de 2025; 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002926 es_ES
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.1097/BPO.0000000000002926
dc.identifier.uri https://repositorio.fleni.org.ar/xmlui/handle/123456789/1317
dc.description.abstract Background: In the absence of 3-dimensional gait analysis (3DGA), assessment of transverse plane motion of the lower extremity from sagittal and coronal video has a high degree of error. We propose a standardized method through vertical video-based gait analysis (VVGA) to assess the position of the pelvis and lower extremity in the transversal plane. This study aims to evaluate the reliability and accuracy of VVGA compared with 3DGA for transverse plane kinematics. Methods: VVGA and 3DGA were obtained simultaneously on subjects between the ages of 6 and 35 referred to a motion analysis center. Gait Deviation Index (GDI) and Gait Profile Score (GPS) were used to estimate overall gait deviation of the subjects. Three raters at different levels of experience performed VVGA on all patients utilizing a standardized technique. Inter-rater and intrarater reliability was calculated using interclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Mean absolute difference (MAD) between VVGA measurements and 3DGA data was calculated for each body-segment. Results: Twenty-six patients (median age: 12 y, 61.53% male) with neuromuscular disorders participated in the study, with the majority (65%) having cerebral palsy. The mean GDI of the subject group was 80.7 and the mean GPS was 1082, indicating a neuromuscular cohort with significant gait deviations. Inter-rater and intrarater reliabilities were excellent, with ICC ranging from 0.94 to 0.99. The overall MAD between VVGA analysis and 3DGA was 4.90 degrees, indicating a clinically acceptable overall error. Segment-specific errors were 4.63 degrees for pelvis rotation, 5.35 degrees for hip rotation, and 4.70 degrees for foot progression. Conclusions: VVGA is an accurate and reliable method for assessing the transverse plane position of the pelvis, hip, and foot when utilizing a standardized method of collection and data analysis. Further study is required to assess whether this technique can be used for surgical decision-making or outcome assessment. es_ES
dc.language.iso eng es_ES
dc.publisher Lippincott Williams & Wilkins es_ES
dc.subject Gait Analysis es_ES
dc.subject Análisis de la Marcha es_ES
dc.subject Neuromuscular Diseases es_ES
dc.subject Enfermedades Neuromusculares es_ES
dc.title Vertical Video-based Gait Analysis for Assessment of Transverse Plane Motion: Reliability and Validity in a Neuromuscular Population es_ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article es_ES
dc.description.fil Fil: Duffy, Clara. Fleni. Departamento de Rehabilitación. Centro de Rehabilitación Adultos CR. Laboratorio de Marcha y Análisis de Movimiento; Argentina.
dc.description.fil Fil: Nuñez, Marcos. Fleni. Departamento de Rehabilitación. Centro de Rehabilitación Adultos CR. Laboratorio de Marcha y Análisis de Movimiento; Argentina.
dc.description.fil Fil: Crespo, Marcos José. Fleni. Departamento de Rehabilitación. Centro de Rehabilitación Adultos CR. Laboratorio de Marcha y Análisis de Movimiento; Argentina.
dc.relation.ispartofCOUNTRY Estados Unidos
dc.relation.ispartofCITY Filadelfia
dc.relation.ispartofTITLE Journal of pediatric orthopedics
dc.relation.ispartofISSN 1539-2570
dc.type.snrd info:ar-repo/semantics/artículo es_ES

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