Rehabilitación: Envíos recientes

  • Alessandro, Lucas; Olmos, Lisandro Emilio; Bonamico, Lucas; Muzio, Diana María; Ahumada, Martina H.; Russo, María Julieta; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Gianella, Matías Gabriel; Campora, Horacio; Delorme, Ricardo; Vescovo, María Ester; Lado, Vanina; Mastroberti, Liliana Roxana; Butus, Ayelén; Galluzzi, Hugo Daniel; Décima, Graciela; Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco (Fundación Revista Medicina, 2020-01)
    It is estimated that two thirds of people who have suffered a stroke have sequels that condition their quality of life. The rehabilitation of the stroke is a complex process, which requires the multidisciplinary approach ...
  • Gath, Christian Federico; Gianella, Matías Gabriel; Bonamico, Lucas; Olmos, Lisandro Emilio; Russo, María Julieta (Elsevier, 2019-04)
    Introducción El tratamiento de sujetos que sufrieron un accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), tanto en la etapa aguda como durante la rehabilitación, debe ser realizado por equipos profesionales especializados. Durante la ...
  • Ravera, Emiliano Pablo; Crespo, Marcos José; Catalfamo Formento, Paola Andrea (Springer, 2019-06-04)
    Cost funtions are needed for calculation of muscle forces in musculoskeletal models. The behavior of the energy-related cost function, proposed by Praagman et al. (J Biomech 39(4):758-765, 2006. ...
  • Ravera, Emiliano Pablo; Beret, Juan A.; Riveras, Mauricio; Crespo, Marcos José; Shaheen, Aliah F.; Catalfamo Formento, Paola Andrea (Springer, 2019-07-27)
    Musculoskeletal modelling could be a potential tool in diagnosis and treatment design. In particular, in children with cerebral palsy, it is thought that gait modelling and simulation could contribute to improve clinical ...
  • Gianella, Matías Gabriel; Gath, Christian Federico; Bonamico, Lucas; Olmos, Lisandro Emilio; Russo, María Julieta (Elsevier, 2019-09-10)
    BACKGROUND: Gait recovery is one of the main therapeutic goals of the rehabilitation for patients after a stroke. OBJECTIVE: This study is aimed at describing the frequency of achievement of gait without physical ...

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