Vigliano, Alejandra; Gómez Lastra, Martín; Miquelini, Ariel; Chaves, Hernán(Sociedad Argentina de Radiología, 2024-05-30)
Introducción: La aplicación de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en radiología se encuentra en fases iniciales y estaría influenciada por la percepción de sus usuarios. Objetivo: Valorar el grado de conocimiento, interés y ...
Abnormal tau accumulation is the hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases, named tauopathies. Strategies aimed at reducing tau in the brain are promising therapeutic interventions, yet more precise therapies would ...
Objectives: Evaluate the performance of a deep learning (DL)-based model for multiple sclerosis (MS) lesion segmentation and compare it to other DL and non-DL algorithms.
Methods: This ambispective, multicenter study ...
Cardozo, Paulina; Marrodán, Mariano; Gilmore, A.; Fiol, Marcela Paula; Chaves, Hernán(American Society of Neuroradiology, 2023-02-16)
Susac syndrome is a rare disorder affecting the brain, retina, and inner ear, probably triggered by an immune-mediated endotheliopathy. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation and ancillary test findings (brain MR ...
Cejas, Claudia Patricia; Pastor Rueda, José Manuel; Hernández Pinzón, Jairo; Stefanoff, Nadia Ivanna; Barroso, Fabio Adrián(Taylor & Francis, 2022-10-25)
Introduction: Neuralgic amyotrophy (NA) is a painful non-traumatic peripheral nervous system condition affecting the brachial plexus. Signal abnormalities in nerves and muscles have been detected in these patients using ...
Darakdjian, Maximiliano; Osa Sanz, Emilia; Hernández Pinzón, Jairo; Carnevale, Martín Diego; Diebel, Alfonsina; Arakaki, Naomi; Martinetto, Horacio; Sevlever, Gustavo Emilio; Yáñez, Paulina(Sociedad Argentina de Radiología, 2021-12-22)
Analizar características por resonancia magnética (RM) de gliomas IDH-mutados (grado II y III) en base a parámetros cualitativos, a fin de valorar el rendimiento del signo del mismatch T2-FLAIR y otras ...
Campos Kitamura, Felipe; Nascimento, Felipe Barjud Pereira Do; Elizondo-Riojas, Guillermo; Chaves, Hernán; Henríquez Leighton, Héctor; Salinas-Miranda, Emmanuel; Júlio, Thiago; da Rocha, Antônio José; Nomura, César Higa(Radiological Society of North America, 2022-09-01)
The first Latin American Meeting on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare was held during the 2022 Jornada Paulista de Radiologia (JPR), the annual radiology meeting in São Paulo State. The event was created to foster the ...
Background: Several MRI findings of optic neuritis (ON) have been described and correlated with specific underlying etiologies. Specifically, optic nerve enhancement is considered an accurate biomarker of acute ON.
Objective: ...
El origen subcortical de la epilepsia ha sido tema de profundo debate durante muchísimo tiempo y solo se le otorgaba a las estructural subcorticales un rol en la distribución, modulación y alteración de la actividad cortical. ...
Villamil, Facundo; Ruella, Mauro; Pérez, Adriana; Millar Vernetti, Patricio; Paday Formenti, María Emilia; Acosta, Julián Nicolás; Goicochea, María Teresa(Elsevier, 2020-11)
Objectives: To analyze and compare differences between epidemiological and clinical aspects, as well as radiologic findings and treatment, in a series of adult patients with traumatic intracranial hypotension (TIH) and ...
White cord syndrome is a rare condition involving sudden neurological deterioration following a decompressive cervical spinal surgery and characterized by the appearance of hyperintensity on T2-weighted magnetic resonance ...
Purpose: To investigate the diagnostic performance of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for detection of COVID-19 in chest radiographs (CXR), and compare results to those of physicians working alone, or with AI ...
Chrem Méndez, Patricio Alexis; Vázquez, Silvia(Universidad de la Costa, 2020-12-07)
The purpose of these images is to extol the biological perspective from the clinical setting perspective of a typical AD case. This participant was profoundly studied and also followed-up for five years in the study ADNI- ...
Background and purpose: There are instances in which an estimate of the brain volume should be obtained from MRI in clinical practice. Our objective is to calculate cross-sectional robustness of a convolutional neural ...