Cranial nerve lipomatosis is an extremely rare entity distinct from lipoma. Both entities
share imaging features; however, in lipomatosis, adherence and infiltration of nerves is the
major cause of symptoms and reason for increased postoperative morbidity.3-5. Considering its benign and in addition to the difficulty in achieving a total removal, surgical
excision is not recommended.
We present a 31-year-old woman with a 12-year history of paroxysmal lancinating rightsided
facial pain and partial relief with medical treatment. The magnetic resonance
imaging presents a lipomatous lesion adjacent to the root entry zone of the right trigeminal
nerve. “The participants and any identifiable individuals consented to publication
of his/her image.”
We present, to our knowledge, the first documented video case of refractory trigeminal
neuralgia due to trigeminal nerve lipomatosis treated with purely endoscopic surgical
arachnoid lysis with satisfactory results and review of technical nuances.