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ListarNeurología por tema "Imagen por Resonancia Magnética"

ListarNeurología por tema "Imagen por Resonancia Magnética"

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  • Fiorito, Anna M.; Aleman, André; Blasi, Giuseppe; Bourque, Josiane; Cao, Hengyi; Chan, Raymond C.K.; Chowdury, Asadur; Conrod, Patricia; Diwadkar, Vaibhav A.; Goghari, Vina M.; Guinjoan, Salvador Martín; Gur, Raquel E.; Gur, Ruben C.; Kwon, Jun Soo; Lieslehto, Johannes; Lukow, Paulina B.; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Modinos, Gemma; Quarto, Tiziana; Villarreal, Mirta Fabiana (Elsevier, 2022-06-22)
    Background: Impaired emotion processing constitutes a key dimension of schizophrenia and a possible endophenotype of this illness. Empirical studies consistently report poorer emotion recognition performance in patients ...
  • Gentile, Aixa; Diez, Blanca; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo; Arakaki, Naomi; Cejas, Claudia Patricia (Remedy Publications, 2019-02-07)
    Choroid Plexus Papillomas (CPP) is uncommon tumors of the CNS. Atypical CPPs represent an intermediate-grade subtype (Grade II) introduced in the update 2007 of the WHO classification. Distal spread of atypical CPPs ...
  • Castiglione, Juan Ignacio; Ricciardi, Mario Emiliano; Bensi, Catalina (Universidad de la Costa, 2020-12-07)
    A 47-year-old man with a history of aphasic seizures presented to the emergency room with a 12-hour global aphasia. Upon admission, brain MRI did not reveal acute lesions, and EEG showed sharp waves in the left frontal-temporal ...
  • Weil, Alexander G.; Dimentberg, Evan; Lewis, Evan C.; Ibrahim, George M.; Kola, Olivia; Tseng, Chi-Hong; Chen, Jia-Shu; Lin, Kao-Min; Cai, Li-Xin; Liu, Qing-Zhu; Lin, Jiu-Luan; Zhou, Wen-Jing; Mathern, Gary W.; Smyth, Matthew D.; O'Neill, Brent R.; Dudley, Roy; Ragheb, John; Pociecha, Juan; Chamorro, Noelia; Muro, Valeria L. (Wiley, 2023-06-22)
    Objectives: Although hemispheric surgeries are among the most effective procedures for drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE) in the pediatric population, there is a large variability in seizure outcomes at the group level. A ...
  • Solomon, Andrew J.; Arrambide, Georgina; Brownlee, Wallace J.; Flanagan, Eoin P.; Amato, María Pía; Amezcua, Lilyana; Banwell, Brenda L.; Barkhof, Frederik; Corboy, John R.; Correale, Jorge; Fujihara, Kazuo; Graves, Jennifer; Harnegie, Mary Pat; Hemmer, Bernhard; Lechner-Scott, Jeannette; Marrie, Ruth Ann; Newsome, Scott D.; Rocca, Maria A.; Royal, Walter; Waubant, Emmanuelle L. (Lancet, 2023-07-19)
    Accurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosis requires careful attention to its differential diagnosis-many disorders can mimic the clinical manifestations and paraclinical findings of this disease. A collaborative effort, ...
  • Sharma, Mukul; Smith, Eric E.; Pearce, Lesly A.; Shoamanesh, Ashkan; Perera, Kanjana S.; Coutts, Shelagh B.; Damgaard, Dorte; Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco; Rha, Joung-Ho; Modrau, Boris; Yoon, Byung-Woo; Romano, Marina; Messé, Steven R.; Barlinn, Jessica; Lambeck, Johann; Saad, Feryal; Berkowitz, Scott D.; Mundl, Hardi; Connolly, Stuart J.; NAVIGATE ESUS MIND MRI Substudy Investigators (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021-09-20)
    Background and purpose: The spectrum of brain infarction in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) has not been well characterized. Our objective was to define the frequency and pattern of brain infarcts ...
  • Carnero Contentti, Edgar; López, Pablo Adrián; Tkachuk, Verónica A.; Vrech, Carlos; Zarate, María Agustina; Correale, Jorge; Deri, Norma; Luetic, Geraldine G.; Marrodán, Mariano; Pagani Cassará, Fátima; Tavolini, Darío; Ysrraelit, María Célica; Balbuena Aguirre, María Eugenia; Hryb, Javier Pablo; Chiganer, Edson Hernán; Leguizamon, Felisa; Knorre, Eduardo; Zanga, Gisela; Pestchanker, Claudia; Barboza, Andrés G. (Sage, 2023-07-25)
    Background: We aimed to assess the frequency of new asymptomatic lesions on brain and spinal imaging (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) and their association with subsequent relapses in a large cohort of neuromyelitis ...
  • DaGraça Morais Martin, Maria; Landau, Susan M.; Damián, Andrés; Vemuri, Prashanthi; Bérgamo, Yanina; Kimie Suemoto, Claudia; Calandri, Ismael Luis; Caramelli, Paulo; Lopera, Francisco; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Lovato, Laura; Delgado, Carolina; Nitrini, Ricardo; Dozzi Brucki, Sonia María; Duque, Lissette; Charamelo Baieti, Ana; Custodio, Nilton; Crivelli, Lucía; US POINTER; LatAm FINGERS (Wiley, 2023-12-25)
    Background Multicentric initiatives to study brain cognition in the elderly offers us a unique collection of brain imaging data accompanied by detailed neuroclinical and neuropsychological evaluations. U.S. POINTER and ...
  • Tkatch, Julieta; Szuman, Gabriela; Agüero, Mónica; Alfieri, Analía; Ballarino, María Carolina; Bamberger, Elizabeth; Battistone, María Florencia; Boero, Laura; Danilowicz, Karina; Donoso, Marina; Fainstein Day, Patricia; Furioso, Alejandra; Glerean, Mariela; González Pernas, Mariana Soledad; Guitelman, Mirtha; Katz, Débora Adela; Loto, Mónica; Pignatta, Analía; Slavinsky, Patricia; Sosa, Soledad (Fundación Revista Medicina, 2023-06-06)
    Introducción: La hipofisitis es una enfermedad infrecuente que plantea un desafío en el diagnóstico y tratamiento. El objetivo de este estudio multicéntrico y retrospectivo fue describir: a) características de pacientes ...
  • Drucaroff, Lucas Javier; Fazzito, María Lucía; Castro, Mariana Nair; Nemeroff, Charles B.; Guinjoan, Salvador Martín; Villarreal, Mirta Fabiana (Pergamon Press, 2020-11)
    Emotion perception is impaired in schizophrenia patients (SP) and related to reduced social skills performance. There is a remarkable variability across subjects for functional neuroimaging alterations related to this ...
  • Millar, Peter R.; Gordon, Brian A.; Luckett, Patrick H.; Benzinger, Tammie L.S.; Cruchaga, Carlos; Fagan, Anne M.; Hassenstab, Jason; Perrin, Richard J.; Schindler, Suzanne E.; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Day, Gregory S.; Farlow, Martin R.; Mori, Hiroshi; Nübling, Georg; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network; Bateman, Randall J.; Morris, John C.; Ances, Beau M. (eLife Sciences Publications, 2023-01-06)
    Background: Estimates of 'brain-predicted age' quantify apparent brain age compared to normative trajectories of neuroimaging features. The brain age gap (BAG) between predicted and chronological age is elevated in symptomatic ...
  • Marrodán, Mariano; Piedrabuena, María Agustina; Gaitán, María Inés; Fiol, Marcela Paula; Ysrraelit, María Célica; Carnero Contentti, Edgar; López, Pablo Adrián; Peuchot, Verónica; Correale, Jorge (Sage, 2023-03-21)
    Background: Information on performance of multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnostic criteria is scarce for populations from Latin America, Asia, or the Caribbean. Objective: To assess performance of revised 2017 McDonald ...
  • McKay, Nicole S.; Gordon, Brian A.; Hornbeck, Russ C.; Dincer, Aylin; Flores, Shaney; Keefe, Sarah J.; Joseph-Mathurin, Nelly; Jack, Clifford R.; Koeppe, Robert A.; Millar, Peter R.; Ances, Beau M.; Chen, Charles D.; Daniels, Alisha; Hobbs, Diana A.; Jackson, Kelley; Koudelis, Deborah; Massoumzadeh, Parinaz; McCullough, Austin; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (Nature Publishing Group, 2023-07-10)
    The Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN) is an international collaboration studying autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease (ADAD). ADAD arises from mutations occurring in three genes. Offspring from ADAD families ...
  • Peralta, Cecilia; Strafella, Antonio P.; van Eimeren, Thilo; Ceravolo, Roberto; Seppi, Klaus; Kaasinen, Valtteri; Arena, Julieta E.; Lehericy, Stephane; International Parkinson Movement Disorders Society‐Neuroimaging Study Group (Wiley, 2022-10-06)
    Background: Rapid advances in neuroimaging technologies in the exploration of the living human brain also apply to movement disorders. However, the accurate diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonian ...
  • Millar, Peter R.; Luckett, Patrick H.; Gordon, Brian A.; Benzinger, Tammie L.S.; Schindler, Suzanne E.; Fagan, Anne M.; Cruchaga, Carlos; Bateman, Randall J.; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco; Jucker, Mathias; Lee, Jae-Hong; Mori, Hiroshi; Salloway, Stephen; Igor, Yakushev; Morris, John C.; Ances, Beau M.; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (Academic Press, 2022-08-01)
    "Brain-predicted age" quantifies apparent brain age compared to normative neuroimaging trajectories. Advanced brain-predicted age has been well established in symptomatic Alzheimer disease (AD), but is underexplored in ...
  • Barboza, Andrés G.; Carnero Contentti, Edgar; Curbelo, María Celeste; Halfon, Mario Javier; Rojas, Juan Ignacio; Silva, Berenice Anabel; Sinay, Vladimiro; Tizio, Santiago; Ysrraelit, María Célica; Alonso, Ricardo (Springer, 2021-01-25)
    Background: Technological advances and greater availability of magnetic resonance imaging have prompted an increment on incidental and unexpected findings within the central nervous system. The concept of radiologically ...
  • Weber, Christopher J.; Carrillo, María C.; Jagust, William; Jack Jr, Clifford R.; Shaw, Leslie M.; Trojanowski, John Q.; Saykin, Andrew J.; Beckett, Laurel A.; Sur, Cyrille; Rao, Naren P.; Chrem Méndez, Patricio Alexis; Black, Sandra E.; Li, Kuncheng; Iwatsubo, Takeshi; Chang, Chiung-Chih; Sosa, Ana Luisa; Rowe, Christopher C.; Perrin, Richard J.; Morris, John C.; Healan, Amanda M. B. (Elsevier, 2021-12-31)
    The Worldwide Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (WW-ADNI) is a collaborative effort to investigate imaging and biofluid markers that can inform Alzheimer's disease treatment trials. It is a public-private partnership ...

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