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Listar Neurocirugía por título

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  • Ruella, Mauro; Caffaratti, Guido; Chaves, Hernán; Yañez, Paulina; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo (Elsevier, 2024-02-28)
    Objective: Analyze the usefulness, efficacy, and safety of transoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging in glioma surgery in awake patients. Materials and methods: Retrospective, single-center, analytical study of a cohort ...
  • Jaimovich, Sebastián Gastón; Tcherbbis Testa, Victoria; Pampin, Sergio; Jaimovich, Roberto (Springer, 2023-09-16)
    OBJECTIVE: Intraventricular and deep-seated brain lesions present a surgical challenge due to their accessibility, illumination, and relationship to neural and vascular structures. To minimize tissue damage and its ...
  • Cervio, Andrés Eduardo; Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Nuñez, Maximiliano; Caffaratti, Guido; Grijalba Romero, Miguel; Villamil, Facundo; Mormandi, Rubén (2020)
    Introducción Los cavernomas del tronco cerebral (CTC) son malformaciones vasculares de bajo flujo que pueden detactarse incidentalmente o presentarse con sangrado y déficit neurológico. La resección quirúrgica continúa ...
  • Villamil, Facundo; Ruella, Mauro; Pérez, Adriana; Millar Vernetti, Patricio; Paday Formenti, María Emilia; Acosta, Julián Nicolás; Goicochea, María Teresa (Elsevier, 2020-11)
    Objectives: To analyze and compare differences between epidemiological and clinical aspects, as well as radiologic findings and treatment, in a series of adult patients with traumatic intracranial hypotension (TIH) and ...
  • Ries Centeno, Tomás; Caffaratti, Guido; Ruella, Mauro; Villamil, Facundo; Domecq, Lucila; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2022-08-01)
    Cranial nerve lipomatosis is an extremely rare entity distinct from lipoma. Both entities share imaging features; however, in lipomatosis, adherence and infiltration of nerves is the major cause of symptoms and reason ...
  • Revuelta Barbero, Juan M.; Yanez-Siller, Juan C.; Villalonga, Juan Francisco; Prevedello, Daniel M. (Minerva Medica, 2018-03-26)
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  • Ries Centeno, Tomás; Villalonga, Juan Francisco; Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo (Revista de Neurología, 2019-07-01)
    Tumor-to-tumor es un fenómeno infrecuente, asociado a altas tasas de mortalidad, cuyo mecanismo fisiopatológico no está del todo aclarado. Se caracteriza por la siguiente dinámica: un tumor receptor que presenta en su ...
  • Pirozzi Chiusa, Christian; Pinto, Martín; Routaboul, Carlos (Asociación Argentina de Neurocirugía, 2021-11-16)
    Introducción: Los tumores intramedulares (TIM) son infrecuentes. Sin embargo, en la población pediátrica pueden alcanzar el 35% de los tumores espinales, siendo los astrocitomas los primeros en frecuencia. La mayoría son ...
  • Minghinelli, Federico E.; Recalde, Rodolfo José; Prost, Diego Martín; Cutuli, Hernán Javier; Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Zaninovich, Roberto Steven (Scientific Scholar LLC, 2022-10-14)
    Background: Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents 1% of all cancers and its brain metastases amount to 8.1% of all metastatic tumors. Late brain metastases are defined as tumors that appear 10 years after diagnosis of the ...
  • Demarchi, Gianina; Valla, Sofía; Perrone, Sofía; Chimento, Agustina; Bonadeo, Nadia; Vitale, Daiana Luján; Spinelli, Fiorella Mercedes; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo; Sevlever, Gustavo Emilio; Alaniz, Laura; Berner, Silvia Inés; Cristina, Carolina (IOS Press, 2022-07-05)
    Introduction: Prolactinomas are the most frequent pituitary tumor subtype. Despite most of them respond to medical treatment, a proportion are resistant and become a challenge in clinical management. Wnt/β-Catenin pathway ...

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