Repositorio Institucional FLENI: Recent submissions

  • Hawkes, Maximiliano Alberto; Hlavnicka, Alejandro Félix; Wainsztein, Néstor Adrián (Humana Press, 2019-09-30)
    Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) causes reversible multifocal constriction of cerebral arteries. It is triggered by several conditions, including vasoactive medications, postpartum, migraine, ...
  • Garcia-Elorrio, Ezequiel; Rowe, Samantha Y.; Teijeiro, Maria E.; Ciapponi, Agustín; Rowe, Alexander K. (Public Library of Science, 2019-10-03)
    BACKGROUND: Quality improvement collaboratives (QICs) have been used to improve health care for decades. Evidence on QIC effectiveness has been reported, but systematic reviews to date have little information from low- ...
  • de la Fuente, Verónica; Medina, Candela; Falasco, Germán; Urrutia, Leandro; Kravitz, Alexxai V.; Urbano, Francisco J.; Vázquez, Silvia; Pedreira, María Eugenia; Romano, Arturo (Nature Publishing Group, 2019-08-21)
    Memories are a product of the concerted activity of many brain areas. Deregulation of consolidation and reprocessing of mnemonic traces that encode fearful experiences might result in fear-related psychopathologies. Here, ...
  • Buffa, Geraldine Belén; Chaves, Hernán; Serra, María Mercedes; Stefanoff, Nadia Ivanna; Gagliardo Cadena, Allan Salvatore; Yáñez, Paulina (Masson, 2020-05-01)
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Multinodular and Vacuolating Neuronal Tumor of the cerebrum (MVNT) is a benign -seizure associated- lesion affecting mostly adults. This new entity has been included in the 2016 World Health ...
  • Brom, Martin; Perandones, Carlos Edgardo (Springer, 2019)
    Resumen no disponible
  • Camporro, Julieta; Bruno, Verónica; Cammarota, Ángel Norberto; Del Castillo, Marcelo Ernesto; Alessandro, Lucas (Viguera, 2019-08-16)
    Objetivo. Analizar los hallazgos clínicos, exámenes complementarios y pronóstico de los pacientes con leucoencefalopatía multifocal progresiva (LMP) atendidos en nuestra institución, comparando las poblaciones con y sin ...
  • Arauz-Gongora, Antonio; Serrano, Fabiola; Pearce, Lesly A.; Kasner, Scott E.; Ameriso, Sebastián Francisco; Toni, Danilo; Bereczki, Daniel; Siegler, James E.; Ruíz Franco, Angélica; Cantú Brito, Carlos; Czlonkowska, Anna; Lang, Wilfried; Berkowitz, Scott D.; Mundl, Hardi; Hart, Robert G. (Sage, 2019-10-20)
    BACKGROUND AND AIM: The diagnosis of embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS) is based on excluding other more likely stroke etiologies, and therefore diagnostic testing plays an especially crucial role. Our objective ...
  • Viana, Michele; De Icco, Roberto; Allena, Marta; Sances, Grazia; Højland Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel J. A.; Fadic, Ricardo; Goicochea, María Teresa; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina (Wiley, 2019-10-03)
    BACKGROUND: The International Classification of Headache Disorders lists different subtypes of medication overuse headache (MOH), according to the medication overused. The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the ...
  • Schlee Villodre, Emilly; Bettega Felipe, Karina; Zanotta Oyama, Mayumi; Hehn de Oliveira, Francine; da Costa Lopez, Patrícia Luciana; Solari, Claudia; Sevlever, Gustavo Emilio; Guberman, Alejandra S.; Lenz, Guido (Elsevier, 2019-07-25)
    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have a great potential, but their clinical application depends on finding strategies to abolish their tumorigenic potential. The use of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc and Nanog to generate ...
  • Ysrraelit, María Célica; Fiol, Marcela Paula; Vazquez Peña, Fernando; Vanotti, Sandra; Terrasa, Sergio Adrián; Viet-Thi, Tran; Montori, Victor M.; Correale, Jorge (BioMed Central, 2019-08-27)
    Background: The Treatment Burden Questionnaire (TBQ) is a self-reported measure of the effect of treatment workload on patient wellbeing. We sought to validate the TBQ in Spanish and use it to estimate the burden of treatment ...
  • Wilken, Miguel; Rossi, Malco Damián; Rivero, Alberto Daniel; Hallett, Mark; Merello, Marcelo (Elsevier, 2019-08-26)
    INTRODUCTION: Rest and re-emergent tremor (RET) in Parkinson's disease (PD) are known to be markedly variable. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of tremor provocation on RET latency and variability. METHODS: We ...
  • Pineda Pardo, José Ángel; Urso, Daniele; Martínez Fernández, Raul; Rodríguez Rojas, Rafael; del Alamo, Marta; Millar Vernetti, Patricio; Máñez Miró, Jorge U.; Hernández Fernández, Frida; de Luis Pastor, Esther; Vela Desojo, Lydia; Obeso, José A. (Oxford Academic, 2020-08-01)
    BACKGROUND Transcranial magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (tcMRgFUS) thalamotomy is a novel and effective treatment for controlling tremor in essential tremor patients. OBJECTIVE To provide a comprehensive ...
  • Videla Richardson, Guillermo Agustín; Furmento, Verónica Alejandra; García, Carolina Paola; Morris-Hanon, Olivia; Sevlever, Gustavo Emilio; Romorini, Leonardo; Scassa, María Élida (Biomed Central, 2019-08-28)
    BACKGROUND: The essentially unlimited expansion potential and the pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) make them attractive for cell-based therapeutic purposes. Although hESCs can indefinitely proliferate ...
  • Ries Centeno, Tomás; Villalonga, Juan Francisco; Giovannini, Sebastián Juan María; Cervio, Andrés Eduardo (Revista de Neurología, 2019-07-01)
    Tumor-to-tumor es un fenómeno infrecuente, asociado a altas tasas de mortalidad, cuyo mecanismo fisiopatológico no está del todo aclarado. Se caracteriza por la siguiente dinámica: un tumor receptor que presenta en su ...
  • Terroba Chambi, Cinthia; Bruno, Verónica; Millar Vernetti, Patricio; Bruce, David; Brockman, Simone; Merello, Marcelo; Starkstein, Sergio E. (Wiley, 2019-08-23)
    BACKGROUND: Fear of falling may be significantly associated with falls in Parkinson's disease (PD) and may have a negative impact on quality of life. Nevertheless, there are no valid and reliable tools to examine this ...
  • Pigretti, Santiago G.; Alet, Matías Javier; Zurrú, María Cristina (Fundación Revista Medicina, 2019-07-01)
    Leímos con interés las observaciones y agradecemos los comentarios. Nuestro consenso es una adaptación local de lo que consideramos la mejor evidencia disponible para el manejo del ACV isquémico en etapa aguda.
  • Tapajóz Pereira de Sampaio, Fernanda; Soneira, Sebastián; Catoira, Natalia; Aulicino, Alfredo; Allegri, Ricardo Francisco (Wiley, 2019-09-08)
    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown theory of mind (ToM) is affected in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN). There has also been growing interest in the study of endophenotypes in psychiatric disorders, since they allow ...
  • Solari, Claudia; Petrone, María Victoria; Toro, Ayelén; Vázquez Echegaray, Camila; Cosentino, María Soledad; Waisman, Ariel; Francia, Marcos; Barañao, Lino; Miriuka, Santiago Gabriel; Guberman, Alejandra S. (Biomed Central, 2019-07-01)
    OBJECTIVE: Redox homeostasis maintenance is essential to bring about cellular functions. Particularly, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have high fidelity mechanisms for DNA repair, high activity of different antioxidant enzymes ...
  • Gianella, Matías Gabriel; Gath, Christian Federico; Bonamico, Lucas; Olmos, Lisandro Emilio; Russo, María Julieta (Elsevier, 2019-09-10)
    BACKGROUND: Gait recovery is one of the main therapeutic goals of the rehabilitation for patients after a stroke. OBJECTIVE: This study is aimed at describing the frequency of achievement of gait without physical ...
  • Rojas, Juan Ignacio; Carrá, Adriana; Correale, Jorge; Cristiano, Edgardo; Fernandez Liguori, Nora; Alonso, Ricardo; Alvez Pinheiro, Amelia; Balbuena Aguirre, María Eugenia; Barboza, Andrés G.; Bestoso, Santiago; Blaya, Patricio A.; Burgos, Marcos; Cabrera, Lorena M.; Caride, Alejandro; Carnero Contentti, Edgar; Cohen, Leila; Curbelo, María Celeste; Deri, Norma; Divi, Pablo; Fiol, Marcela Paula; Fracaro, María Eugenia; Gaitán, María Inés; Hryb, Javier Pablo; Jacobo, Miguel; Knorre, Eduardo; Leguizamon, Felisa; Giunta, Diego Hernán; Serena, Marina Alonso; Doldan, María L.; de Lio, Guillermo F.; del V. Liwacki, Susana; López, Pablo Adrián; Luetic, Geraldine G.; Mainella, Carolina; Manzi, Ruben; Marrodán, Mariano; Martínez, Alejandra Diana; Míguez, Jimena S.; Negrotto, Laura; Nofal, Pedro G.; Parada Marcilla, Marcela; Pettinicchi, Juan Pablo; Silva, Berenice Anabel; Silva, Emanuel; Silveira, Facundo Oscar; Steinberg, Judith; Tavolini, Darío; Tizio, Santiago; Tkachuk, Verónica A.; Vázquez, Guido; Volman, Gabriel; Vrech, Carlos; Ysrraelit, María Célica; Zanga, Gisela; Garcea, Orlando; Patrucco, Liliana (Elsevier, 2019-05-15)
    Despite that different registries already exist in various countries in Europe and North America, no ongoing nationwide registry exists in Latin America (LATAM), a region where the disease behaves differently than in other ...

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